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Sex with Dr. Jess


  • February 7, 2018

    Sexy (And Affordable) Gift Ideas for Valentine’s Day

    Valentine’s Day may be a commercial holiday and you’ve probably heard me bemoan the risk of relegating romance and intimacy to one day per year. However, if you like V-day and want to celebrate, that’s all that matters. So here are a few ideas for sexy gifts that won’t break the bank: Print some sexy […]

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  • February 5, 2018

    Common Sex Questions Debunked

    1. How often should a couple be having sex/ how often is normal? The average is “several times per month to weekly”, but ultimately what works for one couple will not necessarily work for another, so you need to communicate your needs to the each other. Sexual frequency is positively correlated with increases in happiness; […]

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  • January 29, 2018

    Got Relationship Qs? I’ve Got Answers!

    Today on The Morning Show, Jess fields questions from viewers who are concerned about the state of their relationships. Check out the video and summary notes below. Zahra from Niagara Falls asks via Twitter DM: I just found out that my husband of twenty-two years has opened a secret bank account. There isn’t much money […]

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  • January 23, 2018

    Keeping Your Relationship Happy & Harmonious During Winter’s Frost

    We asked our viewers to send us their relationship questions and we received a few that only Canadians and those living in other cold climates can understand. Check out Jess’ answers in the video and notes below. Renee from Montreal asks: This may sound silly, but my boyfriend and I fight more in the winter […]

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  • January 18, 2018

    Why We Fight Over Money and How to Fix Financial Discussions

    According to new survey data, one-third of Canadians say they are no longer able to cover their monthly bills and debt payments — this figure represents an increase from 25 percent according to a survey conducted three months ago. Half of the respondents report that they are within $200 of not being able to pay […]

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