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Sex with Dr. Jess

Sex News

  • April 12, 2017

    Have You Heard of the Justisse Method?

    You’re likely familiar with a wide range of birth control options from oral contraceptives to intrauterine systems. But have you heard of Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM) like the Justisse Method of Fertility Management. According to experts, the method is over 99% effective when used correctly, and not only preserves your health and fertility but enhances it by pointing you […]

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  • June 2, 2015

    Designer vaginas: Plastic surgery’s misogynistic new trend

    By Arena Thomson Women are undergoing below-the-belt cosmetic surgery at a growing rate in a quest for “perfect” genitalia. Labiaplasty consists of reducing the amount of tissue in either the labia majora or labia minora through surgery. Many women are turning to labiaplasty as an answer to their feelings of insecurity about their vulvas, some […]

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  • May 5, 2015

    New Sex-Ed Curriculum

    Comparison Chart: 1998 vs. 2015 Human Development and Sexual Health Curriculum Document (Grade Specific Expectations) Compiled by Katelyn Rea

    The updated topic of Human Development and Sexual Health (part of the Healthy Living strand of Ontario’s Health and Physical Education curriculum) has generated a heated debate about sex education and what students should learn in classrooms across the province. Parents have pulled their children out of classes in protest and many people are concerned […]

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  • July 23, 2014

    Sex Spreadsheet of Rejection “Excuses” is Utter Nonsense

    '50s couple

    What better way to seduce your partner than to guilt and shame them into having sex with you? This was ostensibly the logic behind one man’s decision to create a spreadsheet detailing every instance of his wife’s refusal to have sex in the past month. The record is complete with verbatim explanations from his wife, […]

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  • November 21, 2013

    Women and the New Casual Hookup

    Women and the New Casual Hookup

    Have you had casual sex in the past week? Month? Year? How did it compare to the sex you’ve had with a long-term partner? Chances are, it wasn’t quite as good. But what classifies as a “good” or “successful” casual encounter? A recent article published in the Globe and Mail reports new research findings indicating […]

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