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Sex with Dr. Jess

Expert Advice

  • October 7, 2019

    Sexuality Superheroes: Jennifer Beman

    Say hello to this week’s Sexuality Superhero! Jennifer is the artist behind the Graphic Sex Project: an interactive art installation where people make “graphs” of their sexual values and preferences using colored cubes. They can take a picture of their creation to share with a partner as a conversation-starter, and if they want they can add […]

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  • September 30, 2019

    Sexuality Superheroes: Alisha Fisher

    This week’s Sexuality Superhero is Alisha Fisher. Alisha has worked under Jess in the past, learning from her in both business and theory. She has since butterflied into her own expertise, teaching clients about her insights on intimacy, and embracing their desire for sexual pleasure. Read her feature below and get to know Alisha a little better. […]

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  • September 23, 2019

    Sexuality Superheroes: Carlyle Jansen

    Say hello to this week’s Sexuality Superhero, Carlyle Jansen. I’ve known Carlyle for some time now, and she is definitely one of my “go-to” experts. She’s super knowledgeable, has great insights, and does amazing work in the field. Check out her feature below! How did you find yourself working in sexuality? I gave my sister […]

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  • September 18, 2019

    How to Have Hot Sex in Long-Term Relationships

    I was recently interviewed on the topic of long-term passion and how to keep your relationship sizzling after months or years of living together. This is my passion! I’ve been living with my partner, Brandon, for 18+ years and I’m still excited for every single day we get to spend together — in and out […]

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