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Sex with Dr. Jess

Tips & Techniques

  • May 29, 2017

    Confessions of a Codependent

    Girl sitting on a rock alone overlooking open water

    By Alison Minor We all have a friend who always seems to be in a relationship and who never seems to be single for more than (what feels like) five minutes. I can sincerely say that I have been that person for a majority of my mature life. As a result of this, I became […]

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  • May 3, 2017

    5 Scientific Signs of a Happy Relationship

    If you’re looking for signs that your relationship is moving in the right direction, look no further. These science-based indicators can help you to assess your relationship health and potential for longevity. 1. They’re On Your Mind Even When You’re Apart According to a 2007 survey, thinking about your significant other when you’re not together […]

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  • The Psychology of Erectile Dysfunction

    In my first post I introduced you to the fascinating field of sex science and how studying the brain might help explain some of the big why questions that everyone has about their sex life. What I’d like to do now is come up with some answers to these questions, starting with what most men […]

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  • April 7, 2017

    A Taoist Trick for Ladies’ Pleasure in Fellatio

    Note from Dr. Jess: In this post, guest blogger Kathryn Peterson, offers advice specific to women who perform oral sex on penises. Obviously, people of all genders can enjoy fellatio and female energy is not unique to people who identify as female; regardless of your gender identity, hopefully you can learn from and experiment with these […]

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  • March 27, 2017

    Spice It Up In The Bedroom Tonight!

    The challenge of keeping your relationship exciting and fulfilling is universal. Relationship and sex therapists report that reigniting the passion is one of the most common challenges their clients face despite the fact that few people discuss the struggle publicly. When long-term couples struggle to “spice up the bedroom” it’s often because they have stopped taking the […]

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