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Sex with Dr. Jess


  • November 7, 2013

    Food + Foreplay: A testimonial from Kitty

    Food & Foreplay

    I have a passion for food. I love how you can take simple ingredients and create masterpieces and then you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor by giving your palate an experience. I see food, as I do most things, to be very erotic. Food, like sex, makes you feel good. If the […]

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  • October 15, 2013

    In the Words of Marcus

    Stop Violence Against Women

    I wish more Facebook status updates were as meaningful as this one from Marcus McLean posted on October 9, 2013: “I was visiting a friend last night (male). While I was there, another visitor arrived (also male). Within a few minutes of being there, the visitor made a joke where the punch-line was beating up a woman. […]

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  • August 11, 2011

    Condoms? There’s an App for that.

    Condom map

    MTV Staying Alive and iCondom Create the World’s Largest Condom Map While some American pharmacies continue to lock up condoms, MTV and iCondom are trying to make safer sex more accessible through GPS-Condom technology. Though they’re yet to come out with a condom with built-in GPS (ouch!), this iPhone app allows users to locate the […]

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  • July 13, 2009

    Does Your Partner Cheat?

    Don Draper

    That Depends On Your Definition of Cheating. What is cheating? Does a kiss, a long glance, a casual screw, an online romance or a secret emotional connection constitute relationship infidelity? As a culture that celebrates diversity, it is important to remember that relationships come in all shapes and sizes. Accordingly, there is no determinate set […]

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