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Sex with Dr. Jess

Tips & Techniques

  • April 24, 2013

    A Technique She’ll Love!

    A technique she'll love

    The following is an excerpt from Dr. Jess O’Reilly’s best-seller, Hot Sex Tips, Tricks and Licks, published by Quiver Books. Are you dying to get inside of her and feel her warm folds surround your fingers? Of course you are! Try the Cross My Fingers technique to change things up and explore new ways to […]

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  • November 28, 2012

    Doggy Style: 5 New Takes On An Old Position

    New takes on Doggy Style

    Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? When it comes to sex positions, the possibilities are endless! However, even the most creative among us tend to fall into a routine, so sometimes we need a little inspiration to spice things up. If you’re in need of a bit of inspiration, check out […]

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  • November 7, 2012

    The Best Hand-Job Tip Ever

    Best hand job tip ever

    Last weekend, I had the pleasure of exhibiting and speaking at The Everything To Do With Sex Show in Toronto. Over 45 000 guests passed through the doors of this action-packed trade show and more than 5000 singles and couples attended my seminars on oral sex. I could not believe the turnout! Apparently fellatio and […]

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  • July 25, 2012

    The Hottest Sexting Tips

    Hot sexting

    Sexting is hot! From naughty words to saucy pics, smart phones can pack as much erotic power as our traditional battery-operated devices. And though this techno-sex behaviour is low risk in some respects (STIs, unintended pregnancy), it carries a unique set of risks with regard to personal disclosure. Here are a few tips for hotter, safer […]

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  • March 28, 2012

    How to Introduce Sex Toys: Advice for Couples

    How to introduce sex toys

    I recently hosted a women’s workshop in which a number of questions about sex toys kept coming up. Since so many of us share similar questions and concerns, I’ve decided to post the answers below… Question: I’ve heard that sex toys are common — even for couples, but I’m afraid to bring up the subject […]

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