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Sex with Dr. Jess


  • July 18, 2017

    Which Jobs Have the Highest Divorce Rates?

    This morning on Global TV’s The Morning Show, Jess discussed the connection between divorce and job stress with Jeff McArthur. Research suggests that those working in certain occupations are more likely to get divorced. Read on and watch the videos below to learn more! Research suggests that certain occupations are associated with higher divorce rates by […]

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  • July 12, 2017

    We Need to Take Revenge Porn Seriously

    This week on Global TV’s The Morning Show, Jess discusses the growing threat of revenge porn with Jeff McArthur. This is a growing problem that must be addressed. Check out Jess’ notes and video below. What is revenge porn? It’s a form of sexual harassment. It’s a sex crime – it’s about power, control and […]

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  • June 27, 2017

    Advice for Relationships With a “Third Wheel”

    Do you have a friend who serves as a third wheel to your relationship tricycle? This morning, Jess sat down with Jeff McArthur on Global TV’s The Morning Show to discuss the benefits of couple-friend threesomes and offer some practical advice. Check out her notes and video below. What should you do if you feel like a […]

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  • June 20, 2017

    How to Get Along With Your In-Laws

    Do your in-laws cause rifts in your relationship? This morning on Global TV’s The Morning Show, I discuss why these conflicts exist and what you can do to avoid them in the future. Check out my advice and the video below. A British study suggests in-laws are to blame for marital strife. 1. What did […]

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  • June 19, 2017

    The Four Phases of Forgiveness

    This week, Jess discusses the importance of forgiveness on Global TV’s The Morning Show with Jeff McArthur. She briefly outlines the four stages of forgiveness therapy and the benefits of forgiveness in the video and summary below. How do you forgive someone who has wronged you? First you need to understand what forgiveness is. Forgiveness isn’t just […]

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