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Sex with Dr. Jess


  • July 4, 2018

    How Random Acts of Kindness Can Help Reduce Anxiety

    Being kind feels good and now a study suggests that acts of kindness can help to reduce anxiety. Jess joined Jeff to discuss this study and other research related to kindness on Global TV’s The Morning Show. Check out the summary and video clip below. 1. What did this study find? Two Canadian researchers divided […]

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  • June 19, 2018

    What Kind of Role Do Sports Play In Your Relationship?

    The World Cup is well underway as evidenced by flags on cars, front stoops, storefronts and even bicycles across the country. And since the year’s matches take place in Russia, many fans are waking up extra early or staying up into the wee hours of the night to cheer on their teams. But aside from […]

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  • June 12, 2018

    How Can You And Your Partner Achieve A Stable Work-Life Balance?

    Many suggest that when it comes to our love lives and professional lives, we simply can’t have it all. Professionals from various backgrounds think compromise as essential to happy relationships and when it comes to work-life balance some experts suggest that when we thrive in one area, we tend to suffer in the other. But […]

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  • June 5, 2018

    Catfights – They’re All In Your Head

    Anne Hathaway recently spoke out about rumours of catfights onset of the Ocean’s 8 film. “It’s been really amazing to watch the way certain members of the media have wanted us to fight each other and the way they wanted there to be competition and catfights, but we were all collaborating—all the time,” Hathaway explains. “Now, […]

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  • May 15, 2018

    Why Are Millennials Waiting to Have Sex?

    More Millennials are delaying sex and some experts say that technology and porn are to blame. “Millennials have been brought up in a culture of hypersexuality, which has bred a fear of intimacy,” psychoanalytic psychotherapist Susanna Abse of the Balint Consultancy told the Sunday Times. Others suggest that young people are so engrossed in digital […]

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