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Sex with Dr. Jess

Global TV Morning Show

  • December 12, 2017

    Does Marriage Lead to Better Health Outcomes?

    A new study suggests that dementia risk is considerably higher for singles as opposed to married folks. Jess and Jeff delved into the research this morning on The Morning Show. For years we’ve been hearing that married folks fare better than their single counterparts when it comes to health outcomes, but then last year another study […]

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  • December 5, 2017

    How to Have Those Difficult Conversations With Your Partner

    Experts are constantly touting the value of “difficult conversations” in intimate relationships. But if a conversation is difficult, how do you initiate it to begin with? Do you bring it up at the dinner table or in the bedroom? Or should you wait until your partner in-laws are visiting to really up the awkward ante? […]

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  • November 28, 2017

    Jess’ Advice for the Prince and Princess

    Prince Harry and (the future Princess) Meghan Markle are engaged. She is leaving her job on Suits to join him in the UK and their long-distance relationship is coming to a close as they transition to a live-in couple. Jess joined Carolyn (yay!) to discuss long distance relationships on The Morning Show. Check out the […]

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  • November 23, 2017

    Rewriting the Rules of Marriage — The Millennial Script

    Every week I receive inquiries from reporters asking if monogamy and marriage are relics of the past. My answer? Of course not. Compared to most of human history, we’re likely more monogamous now than we’ve ever been. But for the first time in modern history, we’re talking about what monogamy means and redefining marriage with […]

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  • October 31, 2017

    Reasons Why People Cheat

    Jess talks about the reasons and science behind cheaters on Global TV’s The Morning Show with Jeff McArthur. See her expanded notes and video below. Why do people cheat? A new study found that unmet interdependence and intimate needs being met tops the list of reasons why Millenials cheat; intimacy refers to communication, passion, and […]

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