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Sex with Dr. Jess

Expert Advice

  • November 3, 2020

    ‘Emotional PPE’ and Other Takeaways for Guys in a Pandemic: Part One

    Feature image is ‘where two are gathered’ by Lori Klassen. In the first of a two-part series, Healthy Manhood speaker and writer Jeff Perera shares with fellow cis-hetero guys some takeaways from navigating COVID-19 to help us better navigate our interactions with people of other genders. Take a wild guess which three-word phrase makes up the […]

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  • October 6, 2020

    How to Talk to A Partner About Safer Sex: Getting Tested

    I was recently interviewed about how to talk to your partner about getting tested and I’ve shared the Q&A below. If you haven’t been tested, you don’t know if you have an STI. In many cases, STIs (e.g. chlamydia) are asymptomatic, so the most common symptom can be no symptom at all. Regular testing, therefore, […]

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  • September 29, 2020

    Sexuality Superheroes: Dalychia & Rafaella of Afrosexology

    Meet Dalychia and Rafaella of Afrosexology, our newest Sexuality Superheroes. They’re on a sexual liberation journey, continuing to create awareness and spread educative sex-positive messaging to all. Read their feature below and get to know them a little better! 1. Why is sexual health education/therapy so important to you both? While both of us have […]

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  • September 15, 2020

    Sexuality Superheroes: Honestly Nae

    Meet our latest Sexuality Superhero, Shanae “Honestly Nae” Adams. Shanae’s goal is to eliminate any taboos or stigmas surrounding sex and pleasure. Shanae is a therapist, educator and sex-positive enthusiast. Get to know Shanae a little better by reading their feature below. 1. Why is sexual health education/therapy so important to you? Sexual health education […]

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  • September 9, 2020

    Here’s What You Should Know About Sexological Bodywork

    Photo by via Unsplash Curious about sexological bodywork? Learn more from our interview with Pamela Madsen below reading below! 1. What is your definition of sexological bodywork? Sexological Bodywork is the embodiment of sex education. It is one thing to talk about pleasure in the body, it is a completely different territory to actually […]

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