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Sex with Dr. Jess


March 4, 2019

Sexuality Superheroes: Eliza Boquin

It’s that time of the week again! This week, our Sexuality Superhero is: Eliza Boquin. Eliza is a marriage and family therapist based in Houston, Texas. She combines the practice of traditional therapy with ancient energy healing, delivering effect results and happy clients. Check out her feature below.

How did you find yourself working in sexuality?

During internship, I found that supporting women who were healing from sexual abuse was challenging, but also really rewarding.  Helping them heal from trauma & shame was powerful!  I was also working with couples who were often struggling to connect sexually.  Grad school hadn’t prepared me to help support these challenges and I felt lost when working with them. I wanted to feel more competent, so I opted for sex therapy training at the University of Michigan.

What is the best part of the job?

I get to talk about sex all day! Ha! I’m only partially kidding.

Truly, helping people overcome emotional, mental, spiritual blocks to pleasure is an amazingly rewarding feeling!

I love being part of their healing & empowerment process.

What is the most challenging part of the job?

The most challenging part of this job is the misconceptions people have about what a sex therapist does.  They don’t always understand that being a sex therapist doesn’t mean we don’t have boundaries or that we will randomly talk about sex with anyone and everyone.


What is your most important piece of advice that has the potential to revolutionize relationships?

I love this question! My revolutionary advice is take responsibility for your own pleasure.  It is not your partner’s responsibility to figure you out like a puzzle.  It’s your responsibility to understand, explore, and then communicate to your partner your sexual fantasies, desires, do’s & don’ts.  Granted, this doesn’t mean your partner will grant all your wishes! Remember, they’re an autonomous being too.  But to withhold information from them in the hopes of them learning it as they go along or you not taking the time to “learn yourself” is a huge relationship no-no.

What do you do to decompress and take care of yourself given that you spend so much time helping and caring for others?

I’m getting better at this! This year especially is me tapping more into my receiving energy which means more downtime.

I love curling up on the couch and watching some mindless reality TV (I’m a sucker for the real housewives franchise.)

I like spending time with people I love.

I also make it a point to regularly do my own healing by getting chakra-healings, therapy (THERAPISTS NEED THERAPY TOO!), massage, meditation.

Dinner with friends who I can talk to about entrepreneurial, spiritual, love, and other deep convos.  I loathe small talk, so I avoid that.

I also give myself permission to just lay in bed some mornings and JUST BE.

I live in Houston, so Galveston Island is only about an hour away.  When I can, I drive out there to just sit in front of the ocean.  It is truly my spiritual practice.

What do you want people to know about your work as a marriage and family therapist?

I LOVE what I do.

I consider it a true privilege to do this sacred work.

I put my heart & soul into what I do and am so humbled and grateful that I get to walk this path!

It’s challenging work at times but I can’t imagine not doing this.

I truly believe I was born to do this work which I know will continue to evolve as the years go by.

I’m so, so, so grateful.

Where can we learn more about your work?

I wear a lot of hats!

I have a private practice in Houston, TX where I see clients daily to address relationship & sexuality challenges.  I also recently completed a program that now allows me to integrate traditional psychotherapy and the ancient practice of energy healing.  I am SO excited about now being able to offer this to my clients.  It’s truly powerful because we are healing the mind, body, and spirit (energy) .

As a woman of color, my other passion is changing the way Black & Latinx communities view therapy.  This drive led me to co-found Melanin & Mental Health with my business partner, Eboni Harris.  Together we’ve created an online platform ( where we have a national directory of culturally aware therapists specializing in working with our communities.  On there, you’ll also find our official Therapy is Dope merchandise, a blog and our Between Sessions podcast episodes.  Where it’s really popping is over on our social media where we regularly provide content that addresses mental health without the boring, dense psychology jargon.

People can connect with me on social media for both over at:

IG & FB: @flowandeasewithe and @melaninandmentalhealth.

Websites: and

We also hosted Eliza on the podcast and discussed celebrity relationship habits, listen to it here.

As a Licensed Psychotherapist, Relationship & Sexuality Expert, Energy Healing Practitioner and Entrepreneur, Eliza Boquin works with couples & individuals to overcome past traumas, emotional pain, and destructive relationship patterns so they can begin to enjoy more healthy, satisfying, and pleasure-filled lives.  You can find her working with clients at her private practice in Houston, TX, hosting workshops, online webinars, and at public speaking events helping people gain the skills to reach their life & relationship goals.

She believes pleasure is our birthright & by overcoming shame people are able to enjoy more healthy, balanced lives.  Her personal healing journey has helped her provide clients with compassion & empathy as they work through their own process.  Her mission is to help others free themselves from shame by embracing a more holistic – mind, body, spirit balance.

She is also an active mental health advocate & co-founder of Melanin & Mental Health, LLC which promotes mental health awareness in the Black & Latinx communities.  She & her business partner, Eboni Harris, are changing the face of therapy through their website, national therapist directory, Between Sessions podcast and “Therapy is Dope” merchandise.