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Sex with Dr. Jess


October 4, 2012

I’ll Have What She’s Having: Japanese Bar Dedicated Entirely To Female Masturbation

Japanese female masturbation bar

I’m sure most women find it frustrating that female masturbation does not share the same level of open discussion as male masturbation. Luckily, there are some who are fighting for the cause!

Tokyo, Japan has opened bar Love Joule, which acts as a safe space for women to gather, have a few drinks and openly discuss masturbation with one another. Behind the bar is not a vast display liquor, but a colourful array of vibrators.

Love Joule attempts to blast the stigma of female masturbation, which unfortunately remains a taboo subject. This bar is a female-only space, allowing men to enter only when accompanied by a woman. Patrons of the bar appreciate the safe environment created to allow women to get together and discuss sex and masturbation, without prying eyes and ears.

The bar is a huge hit, with an already expanding clientele. Love Joule is a step in the right direction toward diminishing the unnecessary stigma that surrounds the topic of female masturbation.

To read the article accompanying this story, click here!

About The Author

whydatingin20snightmare01alexpayneAlex Payne is a pop-culture writer, and the blog editor for Sex With Dr.! She has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto, with a Cinema Studies specialist. She writes about everything including film, beauty, fashion, and of course, sex!



About Dr. Jess

About Dr. JessDr. Jess is a sexologist, author, international speaker and television personality. She has a PhD in human sexuality and travels the globe to promote deliciously pleasurable sex. From hosting Playboy TV’s SWING to running workshops for couples’ in the Caribbean, she relishes in every moment! Check out her tour schedule here.