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Sex with Dr. Jess


October 13, 2010

F is for Fisting, Felching, Facial, Facesitting and Female Ejaculation.


Oh, the lovely letter F. It really is quite a mouthful. There are so many great words to choose from, but here is a little sampling…

Fisting refers to inserting a very – and I mean very well-lubricated hand into the vagina or anus. If you want to work toward fisting, be sure to proceed very gradually beginning with a small finger and then adding a few more. Be sure to trim your nails and remove all jewellery. Whether you’re fisting a vagina or an anus, communication is of utmost importance to ensure that both you and your partner are comfortable proceeding. It may be most comfortable for the fistee to lie on his/her back with the knees bent and legs spread. The fister should gradually insert more lubricated fingers with the palm facing upward toward the belly. Once all four fingers are inserted as far as the second set of knuckles, the thumb can be tucked into the palm so that the hand forms a beak-like shape. Continue progressing gradually according to the fistee’s comfort level until the whole hand slips inside. Add more lubrication throughout the process and if you experience unwanted pain or discomfort, don’t feel pressure to continue.

Felching refers to ejaculating into a vagina or anus and then sucking the liquid out with your mouth. Be aware that this type of fluid exchange represents a higher risk activity for the transmission of STI and HIV. Check out this safer sex menu here.

Facials involve ejaculating on your partner’s face. They’re as simple as that. And while some people may like cum all over their faces, others do not, so be sure to ask your partner to outline his/her boundaries first. Check out this cool site about porn’s normalization of facials and other sexual behaviours here.

Facesitting involves sitting on your partner’s face and smothering him/her while s/he performs oral sex. Dental dams, condoms and flavoured lube can be used to reduce risk during facesitting and other awesome oral sex activities.

Female ejaculation refers to the release of prostatic-like fluid from the woman’s urethra during sexual activity often in response to G-spot or urethral sponge stimulation. While some women feel like they are peeing, research suggests that the fluid expelled from the vagina contains similar contents to that produced by the male prostate minus the sperm. Check out my article on female ejaculation here.

As always, have fun, experiment and practice safer sex!